Bob Dufresne, Trudeau Systems Administrator, with son Michael and wife Doris

10 Trudeau Truths with Systems Administrator Bob Dufresne

You know them as the educators, caregivers and leaders who work to keep everything running smoothly so that our clients at the Trudeau Memorial Center can have the best experience possible. But what are they like when they’re off the clock? 

Here’s a chance to get a more personal look at the people who make up the team at Trudeau… 10 questions at a time. 

Meet Bob Dufresne, the rock star Systems Administrator at the Trudeau Center for nearly a decade! Inspired by his son’s autism diagnosis, Bob transitioned his IT expertise to the human services field, where he’s witnessed firsthand the transformative power of Trudeau’s programs. When he’s not managing networks or solving complex IT issues, Bob enjoys weekend family outings and indulging in his favorite seafood – lobster! A former band member for 15 years, this multi-instrumentalist with a passion for bass guitar dreams of visiting Louisiana to explore its rich musical history. Bob’s journey from IT specialist to advocate for people with differing abilities showcases the heart behind Trudeau’s dedicated team.

Read on to learn more about Bob in this edition of 10 Trudeau Truths!

10 Trudeau Truths with Bob Dufresne

1. What inspired you to pursue a career in human services?

I have been working within the IT Support field since the year 2000. Around 15 years ago, my son Michael was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. A few years later, the Hasbro Children’s Hospital, Children’s Neurodevelopment Center (CNDC) referred my wife and I to the Trudeau Center where Michael began receiving services. I was impressed with the wide range and quality of services Trudeau had to offer so when I learned they had a posting for an IT Support Specialist, I was excited to apply. I was hired on October 14th of 2014 as the IT Support Specialist and was in that position for the past 9 ½ years. Recently I was promoted to the agency’s IT Systems Administrator and in this new position I’m now responsible for maintaining and managing our internal and cloud network environments and assisting staff with more complex IT issues.

2. What do you find most rewarding about your job?

I have spent nearly 10 years supporting Trudeau staff and I have met the most caring people which I enjoy working with each day.

3. Can you describe a memorable moment or success story from your time working at Trudeau?

Ten years ago, I inadvertently met one of our clients. He works with the General Dynamics team at Electric Boat. This team would meet each morning in front of the IT office before they departed for work. I had the privilege of watching him grow from being introverted and timid to becoming an absolute ROCK STAR. As the years went by, I witnessed our wonderful DSP’s support, encourage and guide him toward success. They have improve his quality of life and happiness to epic promotions. He currently “hangs out” with one of our DSP’s who happens to own a music studio and together they create rap videos which are posted on YouTube. I literally witnessed him transform into a social butterfly. To me, he is true testimony of the dedication and hard work and services, which Trudeau staff provides. As a father of a person with special needs, this has been inspiring to me and my wife.

4. What’s something about people with differing abilities (or working with them) that you wish other people knew or better understood?

Working around people with disabilities has taught me to see “everyone” from a different perspective. We are all unique and yet so similar but one thing for certain is we all need one another to relish this journey. Supporting each other is how we make the most of the quality of our lives.

5. What’s your favorite way to spend a weekend?

I spend the weekends with my family, and we enjoy going for rides and sightseeing. We usually have a reward setup for Michael on Saturdays like going to the mall, “pizza day” and restaurants.

6. Favorite book, movie, and/or TV show.

I mostly read IT related subject matter. I have never been much into TV shows, but I have a large movie collection. Action, thriller, adventure.

7. Do you have any pets?


8. What’s your favorite food?

Any kind of seafood but lobster is my favorite.

9. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

As an elective in college, I studied Jazz History and would love to visit Louisiana due to its rich musical history which spawned so many different styles of music around the world. Oh, and yes…there’s the food :)

10. What’s a fun fact about you that most people don’t know?

I was in a band for 15 years and play three instruments with bass guitar being my greatest passion.

Photo Captions:
L: Bob’s son Michael “the puzzle savant”
C: Bob with son Michael
R: Bob’s wife Doris reading to son Michael