Tag Archive for: Early Intervention

Happy golden retriever getting pets

Harnessing the Power of Animal Interactions for Individuals with Autism

For individuals with autism, exposure to animals offers numerous benefits.
three elementary age girls reading together happily

Navigating the Special Education System: Advocating for Your Child’s Needs with Trudeau

As a parent of a child with disabilities, navigating the complex world of special education can be overwhelming. Learn how to ensure your child receives the appropriate support and services they need, here.
toddler lining up toys on the couch

Recognizing the Early Signs of Autism: How the Trudeau Center Supports Families for a Lifetime

If you notice any of these early signs of autism in your child, it's crucial to seek an evaluation from a qualified professional as soon as possible.
toddler building foam puzzle

Accessing Early Intervention for Children with Developmental Delays in Rhode Island

While all children grow and develop in unique ways, some children experience delays in their development. Trudeau's Early Intervention (EI) team will work with the child and his or her family to identify areas of need and provide services to address them.
A disabled young woman cooking at the stove.

Understanding Disabilities: What People With Disabilities Wish You Knew

At the heart of the Trudeau Center lies a profound understanding of what people with disabilities wish others knew, and the insights that can bridge the gap between misperception and acceptance.

Empowering Young Adults: Trudeau’s Commitment to Life Skills Development

The Trudeau Center places a particular emphasis on equipping young adults with the essential life skills they need to thrive. Recognizing the pivotal transition from adolescence to adulthood, the center's skilled staff empowers these individuals to navigate life's challenges and embrace their independence. 
a group of adults sitting and talking together in a living room

The Importance of Finding a Community of Support When Your Child Has A Disability

If your child has an intellectual, developmental, or other disability, finding community support and connection with other parents facing similar challenges is so beneficial.  
preschool aged boy sitting on floor alone facing away from camera with a toy plane by his side

What Are The Signs of A Developmental Delay?

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) has become an increasingly popular method of treatment for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) as well as many other intellectual and developmental disabilities.