Pathways staff and Salve Regina University faculty at Salve sign on campus

Empowering Children with Autism: Pathways Strategic Teaching Center’s Partnership with Salve Regina University

For 25 years, Pathways Strategic Teaching Center has been at the forefront of providing comprehensive education and treatment for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and related disorders. Founded in 1998, the center has been dedicated to improving outcomes for these children and their families by utilizing scientifically validated, evidence-based Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) techniques. In 2009, Pathways further strengthened its commitment to excellence by establishing a partnership with Salve Regina University’s Behavior Analysis graduate degree program.

This collaboration has proven to be invaluable for both the students at Salve Regina University and the individuals receiving services at Pathways Strategic Teaching Center. As part of the partnership, graduate students in the Behavior Analysis program at Salve Regina University have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience through a practicum at Pathways. Jesse Perrin, Practicum Special Projects Coordinator at Pathways Strategic Teaching Center, oversees this practicum program.

“During their practicum, students spend approximately 10-30 hours per week working directly with clients at Pathways, applying the knowledge and skills they have acquired in their coursework,” explains Perrin. “Under the guidance of experienced behavior analysts, these students develop and refine their assessment and conceptualization skills, learning to identify the functions of challenging behaviors and create targeted interventions to improve socially significant behaviors.”

One of the key benefits of this partnership is the close collaboration between Pathways and Dr. Cody Morris, the director of Salve Regina University’s Behavior Analysis program. Dr. Morris actively participates in cases at Pathways, providing valuable expertise and support to the practicum students and staff. This level of faculty involvement is rare among practicum sites and greatly enhances the learning experience for the students while ensuring that clients at Pathways receive the highest quality of care.

The partnership between Pathways Strategic Teaching Center and Salve Regina University has also fostered a strong research component. Practicum students are encouraged to work on projects that can be shared through publications and presentations at prestigious conferences like the International Applied Behavior Analysis Conference. This emphasis on research not only contributes to the advancement of the field but also ensures that the interventions implemented at Pathways are grounded in the latest evidence-based practices.

“While the ultimate goal for many of the children at Pathways is to transition back to their local public schools, the center recognizes that progress is often measured in incremental steps,” Perrin said. “By focusing on individual milestones and targeting specific skills, the practicum students and staff at Pathways work tirelessly to help each child reach their full potential. The partnership with Salve Regina University has been instrumental in providing the expertise and resources necessary to make this progress possible.”

The partnership between Pathways Strategic Teaching Center and Salve Regina University has been a resounding success, benefiting both the graduate students in the Behavior Analysis program and the children and families served by Pathways. Through this collaboration, Pathways continues to be a leader in the field of autism education and treatment, empowering children with ASD and related disorders to lead fulfilling lives and reach their full potential.